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valerietamlyn aHboOz niix regina josephine jodi shindy WHERE'S MY CAKE DAY
josephine: 1.19.1992regina: 14.3.1992 niix: 23.4.1992 jodi: 21.6.1992 chew: 23.6.1992 boo: 20.7.1992 shindy: 14.9.1991 tam: 24.9.1992 val: 12.11.1992 TAGBOARD
alexclarice imfbbt jermaine josephine lennon lollicraze mofanbangbangtang niix prince-lollipop regina sarah si jia tamlyn valerie xiao hui YESTERDAY
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
2moro is GOOD FRIDAy no sch lalala...went to eat PIZZA HUT, the bishan outlet as eu noe. service very poor waited for quite long... blah and blah went to bishan stadium to witness the sports heat go SAGITTARUS!!! we surely will be the champion!!! no need to see=) hhahaha. run the 8 * 50 lose to taurus they too strong le=) hahaz quite a meaningful dae i tink except the class tee thingy=) hees hees report more on the exact sports day!=D ![]() ![]() ![]() YOYOYO HEY FOLKS in 1 more month i will GO HOME WOOTS~ so i am starting to prepare your PRESENTS XD but i have NO idea what to get for you guys so hmm.. PO your individual wishlist on LAMERS BLOG or MY BLOG OR compile in school then ask someone to PO on LAMERS BLOG or MY BLOG OR don't do a wishlist so i can 自由发挥 when i 自由发挥 ... HAHA you know it couldn't be GOOD MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~ as i am a HUMBLE student you guys have to pay at least hmmm.. 30%-50% of the price OKAY? i only get $20 PER MONTH 拜请 you can choose the QUALITY of presents 高档货 or 低档货 very obvious lah 高档货=expensive 低档货=cheaper SO EVERYBODY TAKE YOUR TIME TO THINK HOR YOU GUYS GOT AT LEAST 3 WEEKS TO THINK THANK YOU well.. i also got my wishlist when i go back to S'pore so 大家要省钱好吗? probably PO it up a couple of days later 希望大家可以帮我实现我的梦想 THANK YOU VAL.. 要等我回来弹 the hand-cross-over-when-playing-the-piano-when-the-building-collapse-part IN 周杰伦不能说的秘密 THE ONE THAT WE SAID WE LOVE IT! 还记得吗? 为了你去学 ye WISH ME LUCK! GANBATE .niix.小子 BTW LAUGH LIKE CRAZY when i saw the pic in val's blog the one val & jo take together HAHAHAHAHAHA HILA-RIOUS P.S happy first day of school ReG's Birthday!
hees today is reg's birthdaythe lamers went out to celebrate wif her. we went to soeul garden to celebrate her birthday, i tink tis is our 3rd time gg to soeul we were dere for abt 2hrs keep eating and eating.... isnt it fun! hahaz, after shindy and booz left we headed to HEEREN and took some candid pictures quite cool ~will upload the pics in my nxt post! new updates
hahaz=D last sat went to alex birthdae party.miie,Xy,Val and jodi we hav lots of fun within ourselves, keep zi highing hahaz=D mii and booz keep playing card games with Chee hou (rite??) and jodi play the tai tai game (mahjong) wif some other ppl we hav lots of fun tokin and playing ++ watch tv=) lols alex cake had a barney photo on it! 2dae! we went to watch STEP UP 2 hahaz it is DAMN nice hahaz mii and mok like sho extra lor. Sit beside one couple (the 2 Js) hahaz very obivious rite. after the movie mok went for tuition. rest of us went shopping, and at 5+++ we went to play arcade. we play the basketball machine thing mii and wei xuan were losing to val and booz. our highest was onli like 47 and val and booz highest score wass like 170++ very pathetic! ohh and i lost my stitch=( it was almost dere then the machine cheated my feelings poof it dropped back to its original place=((( update more on fri its mokk birthday!!! GOSH! today i saw this BIG (longer than my phone) GREEN GRASSHOPPER!!!!! it TOTALLY freak me out.. it hop onto some guy lap then he jump up -.-seriously whoever see tt will surely react tt way too.. i was just sitting on the seat beside LA I ALMOST JUMP OUT OF THE SEAT.[ im surprise at my reaction] HAHAHHAHAHA.. today was damn freaky!! i found out tt the school building is practically surrounded with INSECTS!! u see them crawling everywher it's even worse when my mum told me tt there is this dead cockroach at my hse and then i saw some insects leg in the kitchen =.= TODAY IS SUCH A FREAKING DAY!!! OMG!!! |