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valerietamlyn aHboOz niix regina josephine jodi shindy WHERE'S MY CAKE DAY
josephine: 1.19.1992regina: 14.3.1992 niix: 23.4.1992 jodi: 21.6.1992 chew: 23.6.1992 boo: 20.7.1992 shindy: 14.9.1991 tam: 24.9.1992 val: 12.11.1992 TAGBOARD
alexclarice imfbbt jermaine josephine lennon lollicraze mofanbangbangtang niix prince-lollipop regina sarah si jia tamlyn valerie xiao hui YESTERDAY
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
hahaz better then i expected anw. quite fun. at first damn boriing lahh.ok.i start frm the start. we collected our report bks bloody! damn draggy lahh. eu noe wat i mean. xy,val,miie went bugis to HELP kevin to buy chew present.int he end, eu all noe the outcome ritex. no present but on the other end, mok and niix went to bra basah to buy presents for peeps. they manage to get someting. have lots of fun. aeverione go home bath. we met up at 5.30.i damn early went to buy pancakes.then we walk to siimon hse. 4 of us,niix ,booz,val,miie. niix was damn tired and hungry.we went dere act emo, tink the guys quite piss wif us. hahaz=D anw, after a bowl of maggie mee everi ting change party time. hahaz hav alot of fun dancin, actin,eatin, drinkin, blah blah. hahaz. lots of ppl go. gail,simon,kenny,baboon,ttl,tohu,kapo,qmore,yan liang,yi huai,blah blah cant rmb lahh alot lahh. hahaz.=D we left at ten. nitex peeps upload photo nxt time.=) fun dae?!
hahaz 2dae no need study one. keep runnin around then hav the bloody literacy programme.damn boring. we went dental appointment,COOL DENTIST hahaz.=Dhahaz. ltr val went to 3e1. we hav a wacky time together. went to watch blades of glory after that.idiotic funny show no sense one.=P hahaz.enjoy ourselves while we can!=D
FUN DAY AT SCHOOL? camp over ler whee:) one mork week to holidays ppl CHILLING OUT woots FUHOO SPIDEY!=P
hees the lamers peeps outin 2dae.val,xy,mii,niix,mok went vivo 2dae. hahaz first time go vivo watch movie.we went to watch spiderman 3.hahaz damn funny lahh we keep laughing at some tupid parts. sho paiseh i tink i laugh veri loud lols hahaz like the penis part hahaz the ppl in cinema aso xiao like us then keep passing idiotic comments like gay and asshole. lols we will the last to leave tat place.hahaz then a veri funny ting happen. after movie, we went toilet then val and mok waited outside 4 us. after mii and xy came out we didnt see niix. we went to toilet to look for her. almost freak us out . we `found`her and mini toons. then we went xue ping hahaz shopping tink mok and xy veri sianx hahaz all the nice clothes then no money!=(hahaz mok eu write on the toy'r us part ba and the 5 tohu tingy hahaz=D tam EXAM OVER!
Woohoo exxam over le! tink bio damn hard. anw,after tat crappy exam.Mii,XY ,NIIX,TOGELANG,JODI to j8 hahaz niix keep wanting to buy shorts then no $$$. after tat,we went to tp. buy fbt and shorts ( niix finally!) then we met up wif val! hahaz then lamely we went back to j8. val buy slippers. we went niix hse! we stay dere for a long time keep toking and laughing hahaz muz hav disrupt her family. the stuipid hard gay tingy hahaz make mi laugh until like xiao plus the blades of glory! YEAH!! 2moro gg sentosa hope mok will not oversleep hahaz=P SPIDERMAN3 here we come!!=)=) tam HAHAHAHAHAHHA.. got one more paper to go for the NO CHILDHOOD o.0 LUCKS MAN! I LOVE SPIDERMAN |