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valerietamlyn aHboOz niix regina josephine jodi shindy WHERE'S MY CAKE DAY
josephine: 1.19.1992regina: 14.3.1992 niix: 23.4.1992 jodi: 21.6.1992 chew: 23.6.1992 boo: 20.7.1992 shindy: 14.9.1991 tam: 24.9.1992 val: 12.11.1992 TAGBOARD
alexclarice imfbbt jermaine josephine lennon lollicraze mofanbangbangtang niix prince-lollipop regina sarah si jia tamlyn valerie xiao hui YESTERDAY
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
haha let make a list of wad theme we doiin fer the mth.. nxt month,desmond... nxt nxt month,yi huai(555!!!) hahaz...:D we rock!!! the best blog ever... hehe... -_-... lAmE... -ahbooz haha we makiin business!! haha :D // hu wan nxt nxt nxt mth?? mus put order now le hor.. first cum first serve..BOOKING ISH NOW ON !! (: we welcome everybodii (ESPECIALLY 2E1'06 de) -regina //in skool.in lab.doiin ting haha (: ahbooz & regina// blog
OUR blog ish the lamest blog in the whole freakin world yeah!!! ;) BIG NEW BIG NEWS! ![]() ![]() hahaha .. we are pinpointing simon okay? if you know the girl or happen to be the girl.just pretend you didn't know DON'T use this to sue us for defamation or accusation okay? simon you also hor. don't sue us hor because ... i dunno why? HAHA.. look for tamlyn hor if got problem. okay? alright. -.-ll please please... do not copy the pics. =P .. no time to watermark it ... since there is special request from simon,there will be news of him everyday.little by little.so that more and more people will be interested in our blog=) HAPPIE BIRTHDAY JOSEPHINE!! :) tmr me & niix makiing ur birthdae present worr haha.. better pray it cum out nice haha.. :) mokkies wrong!
Someting happened LOL!after bio mii niix shiindy booz saw val jo and ade and qiqi they doing lit project then they will like askin hu noe how is pretty pronounce in tamil???(anyone noe) heehees at around 4 we went home mii booz and shindy butt mii and booz don feel like gg home sho shindy and beh beh(join in ltr) went home first mii and booz left we don noe if we should go back 2 sch we did the most tupiid tiing flip a coin we will like sayin head go back to sch then tail we go home we used a 5 cents ren min bi to flip first tym drop until the ma lu dere-head second tym booz throws-tail then she throw again -head then we don noe wat to do kelvin (3e1 07)walk past hees hees we ask him to help us throw -tail great so we went home end of story THE END ;) todae.. arhh wad special ting happened nehx.. the onlii one ii can rmb ish sayiin hellos tu val's reflection during her pe lesson.. haha :) todae.. ish ahbooz n jo breakiin of boilling tube one week aniversery -.-// lesson went on as usual..blah blah blah.. yeah tt todae man..haha now raining outside.. ii can pic in my mind tml 6.35 ii reach klass den.. haha.. crappiing -.-// hu noe it mayb true or even worse lah the whole roof fall off as iim typiin now le.. haha..haix maths damn hard nehx..2 daes nv study onlii now every ting forget liao..ii pro:) aiya ii typiin crap la..haha if u agree :) todae ish the coldest dae since skool reopen..!! it goiin tu bb ice-age3 soon..iim frezzin..iim sure eveybodii agrees wif me ba haha.. lets call todae eve of 13 ba..(: since tam broke a breaker during chem she pull pull pull the tube sho hard till..WAA haha.. THREE DAES AGO..booz broke boillingtube same goes tu jo ii tink 1 hr ltr ba cox her klass aft ours :D - cc la now mak me & niix damn scare le cox ltr u noe wad le la..haha val watch out too hor.. from mon on mus bb damn careful le..chem ish scary la..break break break haha :) den todae 3e1 flood!! ii kana victim haix table tere all water den.. the celling finally drop during amaths 10 mins b4 recess haha den everybodii-YEAH!! FINALLY DROP!! CLAPS HANDS!! -.-// more water cum in..-.-// my table tere flood more -.-// amen man :D ii can c mon go back kalss the water level at our ankle le haha if it continue rainning la :) aft skool cox gt gb we go eat den ii found BIRD SHIT on my skirt dunno how gt on de sm more FRESHLY-BAKED de -.-// haix-ii hav nth tu say.. aft gb me,tam,sijia walkin tu busstop cox red man sho we stop marx den bus cum..(dididi)green man..we walk SLOWLY we laugh laugh laugh..tam drop her ting we pick up den walk again den we still can board the bus sia haha the bus driver lky slackiin jkjk :) den everybodii lky look at us lky we siaox or wad keep laughin..haha WEEKEND le mus relax :) jiayou & dun breaks ting hor:) Read my lips bored.
happy new year!ok little too late but nvr mind still in a new year rite i thought of something ok not thought of copied frm cell group we should write down our new year resolution and then see at the end of the year we got achieve it not hee hee quitte fun rite ? i start first ba -be happy always -get good result -hope we will still be best of friends -play lots and study lots tats all your turn now! |