valerietamlyn aHboOz niix regina josephine jodi shindy WHERE'S MY CAKE DAY
josephine: 1.19.1992regina: 14.3.1992 niix: 23.4.1992 jodi: 21.6.1992 chew: 23.6.1992 boo: 20.7.1992 shindy: 14.9.1991 tam: 24.9.1992 val: 12.11.1992 TAGBOARD
alexclarice imfbbt jermaine josephine lennon lollicraze mofanbangbangtang niix prince-lollipop regina sarah si jia tamlyn valerie xiao hui YESTERDAY
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Juz us US.... gals and the guys outside escape Helloween Nitex fun balls :)
--> in the sense of stupit mermorable tiing..ii did the lamerest tiing ever ---mayb nort ..i walk a millions miles !! niix & me walk tp a few round den we went bras barash !! vall we sho good nehxx.. all tiis fer u nehxx --> nort realii the fun began when we buy the dunno wad tiing den on bus we PLAYED muhaha.the 'balls' came rollin out-- all stiickin tu niix [ dey loves her ] everybodii lookin at us..[ we sort of liitter the bus ] oops!! :)
HAHAHA ... just can't stop thinking about SHIN!!!! ow.... HE LOOK SO CUTE!! {{belli sian. nothing to do marh}} got shin's official website: {{it's all in korean.-.-lll}}
I belli good der {{ so bhb -.-lll}} also got Lu's website: {{it's also in korean. so must study korean hor.. load belli slow}}
Damn funny siah... hahahaz {{ must enlarge then can see better }} us at the NIGHT SAFARI !! all EXCEPT niix..haix :D
yo peopleii nxt tkm den do e pp thingy hor sumting*wrong wif com. tiis week -revision week =) *{ study hard..!! } .: GOOD LUCK FER CUMIING EXAMS :. |